Jeff Weeks’

Topology and Geometry Software

Curved-Space Pool Hall icon
Curved-Space Pool Hall
Shoot some pool in curved space.
Crystal Explorer icon
Crystal Explorer
Immerse yourself in crystals to understand and enjoy their structure.
Torus Chess icon
Torus Chess
Play chess on a wraparound board.
Torus Games icon
Torus Games
Eight familiar games introduce children age 10 and up to the concept of a finite yet unbounded universe.
iOS, macOS, Windows
Deutsch ελληνικά English español suomi français italiano 日本語 한국어 Nederlands português русский tiếng Việt 简体中文 繁體中文
KaleidoPaint icon
Create colorful symmetrical paintings based on the 17 tiling patterns.
العربية Deutsch English español français italiano 日本語 Nederlands português русский 简体中文 繁體中文
KaleidoTile icon
Explore polyhedra and tessellations while creating colorful works of art.
iOS, macOS, Windows
Cymraeg Deutsch English français italiano 日本語 한국어 português 简体中文 繁體中文
Curved Spaces icon
Curved Spaces
Fly in a multiconnected universe (for math and physics students).
iOS, macOS, Windows
English español français italiano 日本語 português Türkçe 简体中文 繁體中文
4D Maze icon
4D Maze
Have fun solving 4D mazes (for everyone).
iOS, macOS, Windows
Deutsch English italiano 日本語 polski português русский Türkçe
4D Draw icon
4D Draw
Draw simple 4D figures (for geometry students).
iOS, macOS
English italiano português
Crystal Flight icon
Crystal Flight
Fly freely in crystals (for everyone).
iOS, macOS
Deutsch English italiano português

Other Resources

Shape of Space icon
The Shape of Space 3rd edition English
A gentle introduction to topology and geometry, with full-color figures throughout.
Arabic translation: شكل الفضاء العربية
Hyperbolic Blanket icon
How to Sew a Hyperbolic Blanket العربية English 日本語
Step-by-step instructions for sewing a hyperbolic surface from fleece.
Source code for visionOS apps
Hyperbolic Games
Non-Euclidean billiards in VR
Body coherence in curved-space virtual reality games

Recent Updates

2024-5-20 Curved-Space Pool Hall
Improved hand-placement algorithm
2024-4-9 Torus Chess
New app
2024-3-26 Curved-Space Pool Hall
New app
2024-3-10 Crystal Explorer
Updated window sizing for visionOS 1.1 compatibility
Removed Fog switch (so Fog is always enabled)
2024-2-24 Crystal Explorer
New app
2024-2-24 KaleidoTile
Added option to disable Inertia

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Contact Jeff Weeks